Work Planning & Control (WPC)
Over recent years significant enhancements have been made to our safety programs; however, there exists room for improvement. In line with Integrated Safety and Environmental Management (ISEMS), SLAC is implementing a Work Planning and Control Process to help ensure that all work is properly planned, authorized and controlled.
- Policy: ES&H Manual Chapter 2 - Work Planning and Control
- Work Authorization and Release
- Levels of Work: Green, Yellow, Red
Major Elements of the WPC Process
Work Planning and Control (WPC) is a standardized process used to understand the scope of work, identify qualified workers, evaluate & control hazards, communicate hazards & controls to workers, authorize, coordinate & release work and perform it within established controls.
The WPC process:

- Is used for all activity level work, including projects, construction, research and development (R&D), manufacturing, experiments, facility operations and maintenance, and environmental restoration
- Applies a graded approach where the level of planning and coordination is commensurate to the job complexity
- Integrates safety (ISEMS) so that the overall management of safety functions and activities become an integral part of mission accomplishment
- Has site-wide application and is used to plan ALL activity level work and requires full support of the entire organization
- Is not intended to cover project management, scheduling, or budgeting aspects of projects
WPC in a Nutshell
The WPC process is built on many existing SLAC systems - modifying and enhancing them where necessary, changing or eliminating what was redundant or not useful, enhancing or creating support tools and training, and where necessary adding additional formality.
The foundation of the process is that all work is placed into one of three categories based on the job complexity. There is a JSA Library (SharePoint site) and an online JSABuilder tool both of which can be used by supervisors and workers to generate consistent Job Safety Analysis's (JSA) or Activity & Training Authorization (ATA).