LCLS Users' Recognition Award
In the fall of 2022, the LCLS User Executive Committee established a new award to recognize LCLS facility staff who have made significant contributions to the user community by supporting experiments or advancing the facility through their scientific area of research, instrumentation or capability development.
LCLS facility staff at any level are eligible to be nominated for the award, including instrument, laser, data, detector, sample environment, controls, technical support, and accelerator/FEL staff, as well as members of the User Office. Nominations can be submitted each year via the Users' Meeting website, or by contacting the LCLS Users' Executive Committee. Nominations can be made by any member of the LCLS user community or SLAC staff, and should include the candidate's name and why they should be recognized through this award. The winner will be selected by the LCLS User Executive Committee and recognized during the annual Users Meeting. The award consists of a $1,000 prize and an award plaque.
Past Winners