MeV-UED (Megaelectronvolt Ultrafast Electron Diffraction)

The MeV-UED instrument, part of the LCLS User Facility, is a powerful "electron camera" for the study of time-resolved, ultrafast atomic & molecular dynamics in chemical and solid-state systems. MeV-UED operations have been established based on the successful MeV electron diffraction research program at SLAC. This instrument has demonstrated the following properties: high spatial resolution (< 0.5 Å), large momentum-transfer range (0.5 to 12 Å-1), high elastic scattering cross sections, high temporal resolution (< 150 fs FWHM), with the additional benefits of relatively large penetration depths (> 100 nm) and negligible sample damage. See current specifications. See Intro to MeV-UED video.
Since 2014, the SLAC UED instrument has been developing robust methods in the pursuit of time-resolved measurements to control and understand molecular structural dynamics and the coupling of electronic and nuclear motions in a variety of material and chemical systems. Driven by a broad array of collaborating teams at SLAC and around the world, the MeV-UED instrument has produced an impressive array of high impact publications. Examples range from imaging the motions of monolayer MoS2, to atomic level movies of light-induced structural distortion in perovskites solar cells, along with molecular movies of chemical bond breaking, ring-opening, and nuclear wavepacket at conical intersections in isolated molecules. MeV-UED has also successfully explored various diffuse scattering and warm dense matter physics applications.
Proposals Calls
The MeV-UED instrument, part of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) user facility at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory encourages scientists from diverse fields to propose experiments utilizing the MeV-UED's unique capabilities. Access to MeV-UED is open to the international community. There is no cost to submit proposals or conduct experiments at MeV-UED. However, users are responsible for their own travel expenses and (in rare cases) for any extraordinary consumables required by the experiment. Please refer to the MeV-UED proposals page for information on the currently offered instruments, and the proposal review process prior to writing your proposal.
MeV-UED Data Analysis
MeV-UED staff scientist Yusong Liu led a data analysis tutorial workshop on October 23rd 2023 aimed at gas-phase photochemistry. Link to the workshop recording and materials.
LCLS MeV-UED Acknowledgement: Proposal teams must inform and acknowledge MeV-UED and the DOE Office of Science in presentations and publications using this template:
"MeV-UED is operated as part of the Linac Coherent Light Source at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515"
MeV-UED Contacts
Alex Reid
MeV-UED Facility Director & Instrument Lead
(650) 926-7467
Joel England
MeV-UED Accelerator Lead
(650) 926-3706
Stephen Weathersby
Area Manager
(650) 926-3890
Ming-Fu Lin
Lead Scientist
(650) 926-2586
Matthias Hoffmann
Lead Laser Scientist
(650) 926-4446
Xinxin Cheng
Staff Scientist
Patrick Kramer
Laser Scientist
(650) 926-5148
Randy Lemons
Laser Scientist
(650) 926-3477
Cameron Duncan
Associate Scientist
Fuhao Ji
Associate Scientist
(650) 926-4678
Yusong Liu
Associate Scientist
Aaron Garza
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-4282
Ian Roque
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-3407
Tianzhe Xu
Research Associate
Sharon S. Philip
Research Associate