MeV-UED Schematics
A schematic of the MeV-UED beamline is shown above. The femtosecond MeV electron bunch is generated in a S-band photocathode rf gun. The rf gun is powered by a pulse-forming-network-based modulator and a 50 MW S-band klystron. The rf amplitude and phase stability are typically 2x10-4 rms and 30 fs rms, respectively. Approximately 0.5 mJ of IR laser light is used to produce UV light to generate electrons from the copper photocathode. The UV beam illuminates the photocathode at 70 degrees angle of incidence. Immediately after photocathode a magnetic solenoid lens provides the primary electron beam focusing.
The rf photocathode gun is separated from the sample chamber environment by two differential pumping stages. The first stage holds pop-in diagnostics and an electron beam collimator. The available collimator sizes are: 100, 200 and 500 um diameter. A second magnetic solenoid lens is installed after the differential pumping sections. This allows the electron beam focus to be optimized at either the sample position or the detector position. A holey laser in-coupling mirror is installed inside the sample chamber. The sample chambers for solid-state experiments are rectangular chambers with internal dimensions: 18” x 12” x 14” and with interaction points located ~1.56 m and ~2.58 m from the photocathode. The chambers are pumped by 600 L/s turbo molecular pumps mounted at the base of each chamber.
The primary diagnostic detector is mounted 4.75 m from the photocathode. The detector consists of a P43 phosphor screen, which is mounted in vacuum at normal incidence to the electron beam. The phosphor screen is imaged via a flat in-vacuum mirror, downbeam of the screen, using a commercial EMCCD (Andor iXon Ultra) mounted outside vacuum.
MeV-UED Contacts
Alex Reid
MeV-UED Facility Director & Instrument Lead
(650) 926-7467
Joel England
MeV-UED Accelerator Lead
(650) 926-3706
Stephen Weathersby
Area Manager
(650) 926-3890
Ming-Fu Lin
Lead Scientist
(650) 926-2586
Matthias Hoffmann
Lead Laser Scientist
(650) 926-4446
Xinxin Cheng
Staff Scientist
Patrick Kramer
Laser Scientist
(650) 926-5148
Randy Lemons
Laser Scientist
(650) 926-3477
Cameron Duncan
Associate Scientist
Fuhao Ji
Associate Scientist
(650) 926-4678
Yusong Liu
Associate Scientist
Aaron Garza
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-4282
Ian Roque
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-3407
Tianzhe Xu
Research Associate
Sharon S. Philip
Research Associate