External News Features 2024-03-20 Hopping Battery Ions Show ‘Memory’ When Laser Zapped EE Power(external link) 2024-03-14 Very Small and Very Fast Science Magazine(external link) 2024-03-14 Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe Inside SLAC KQED TV (San Francisco,CA)(external link) 2024-03-13 New attosecond X-ray spectroscopy technique 'freezes' atomic nuclei in place Physics World(external link) 2024-03-05 Revolutionary Technique Unveils Real-Time Electron Movement in Water AZO Quantum(external link), Yahoo(external link), Physics Magazine(external link) 2024-02-16 Blink and you’ll miss this electron: super-fast molecule snapshot Cosmos Magazine(external link) 2024-02-13 Secrets of gold discovered in a series of ‘ground-breaking’ experiments The Independent(external link), Mining.com(external link) 2024-01-09 It might rain diamonds on more than 1900 exoplanets across the galaxy New Scientist(external link), Universe Today(external link), Esquire Italia (Italian only)(external link) 2023-12-31 A year of discovery Axios(external link) 2023-12-22 Driving Innovation and Discovery: DOE’s Office of Science 2023 Year in Review HPCwire(external link) Go to previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Currently on page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Page 31 Go to next page
2024-03-14 Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe Inside SLAC KQED TV (San Francisco,CA)(external link)
2024-03-13 New attosecond X-ray spectroscopy technique 'freezes' atomic nuclei in place Physics World(external link)
2024-03-05 Revolutionary Technique Unveils Real-Time Electron Movement in Water AZO Quantum(external link), Yahoo(external link), Physics Magazine(external link)
2024-02-16 Blink and you’ll miss this electron: super-fast molecule snapshot Cosmos Magazine(external link)
2024-02-13 Secrets of gold discovered in a series of ‘ground-breaking’ experiments The Independent(external link), Mining.com(external link)
2024-01-09 It might rain diamonds on more than 1900 exoplanets across the galaxy New Scientist(external link), Universe Today(external link), Esquire Italia (Italian only)(external link)
2023-12-22 Driving Innovation and Discovery: DOE’s Office of Science 2023 Year in Review HPCwire(external link)